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Our newly acquired CPT Pagani Rig is a versatile penetrometer machine designed for geotechnical testing. Its capabilities combine mobility, efficiency, and versatility for geotechnical investigations. It’s an excellent choice for soil characterisation, foundation design and liquefaction analyses.

The TG63-150 performs both static and dynamic penetrometer tests in a single compact machine. This dual functionality allows for comprehensive soil classification. It is equipped with hydraulic rubber tracks meaning it can navigate challenging terrains, including marshy areas or hard to access residual sites.

The machines design enables efficient use when operated by our experienced CPT operators/ technicians. It’s unique individual anchoring system allows for more reliable anchoring and rig stabilisation which also dramatically reduces testing time.

Our Pagani Rig is able to conduct CPT(u) (with temperature sensors, secondary saturation and dissipation testing options), DPSH testing, DS44 dynamic sampling and Shelby Push Tube sampling.

We also provide CPT testing in the South Island – reach out to our Christchurch team for more information.

You can read more information in our CPT Rig Capability Profile or CPT flyer. Visit our Site Investigations page for more information on our services.

Pagani CPT rig in front of Geotechnics UteGeotechnics technicians working Pagani CPT rig